English CFE. Writing Fiction: Elements of Craft, Style, and Meaning

Instructor: Neel Mukherjee
Monday, 3:00-5:45pm | Location: Barker 018
Enrollment: Limited to 12 students
Course site

The course will consist of two halves. In the first hour of each class, we will be doing close readings/literary-critical analyses of an assigned text (we’ll be reading writers such as James Baldwin, Zora Neale Hurston, Ann Petry, Lucia Berlin, Ernest Hemingway, Gustave Flaubert, among others), with the aim of isolating some aspect of the craft of writing in order to take bearings for your own. Amongst several other things, we shall also be looking at the politics of canon-making; at the white gaze; at writing as representation, empowerment, resistance, reclamation; at some of the long history of racial politics. In the second half of the class, divided into two equal segments of 55 minutes each, we will be workshopping the writing of two students.

Supplemental Application Information: Please submit 3-5 pages of creative writing in prose (fiction is preferable, but non-fiction is also fine) along with a letter of introduction in which you write about why you’re interested in this course; what experience you’ve had writing; some of your favourite writers; what some of your favourite works of fiction are and why.

Apply via Submittable (deadline: 11:59pm EDT on Sunday, August 21)