English 97. Sophomore Tutorial: Literary Methods

Section 1 Instructor: Daniel Donoghue
Wednesday, 3:00-5:45pm | Location:  Please login to the course catalog at my.harvard.edu for location
Enrollment: Limited to 15 students
Course Site

Section 2 Instructor: Sarah Dimick
Please login to the course catalog at my.harvard.edu for meetings times & location
Enrollment: Limited to 15 students
Course Course Site

This course, taught in small groups and required for concentrators, introduces theories, interpretive frameworks, and central questions about literature and literary media. What do we do when we read? What is an author? What do we mean by “literature” itself? How might we compare and evaluate interpretations? How do the historical, social, cultural, and legal frameworks around a text shape its meanings and its effects? Combining major critical and theoretical writings with primary works, the course investigates how literary production and interpretation are informed by philosophical and aesthetic traditions, gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity, national and post-colonial identities, and the material forms in which literature circulates, from parchment books to the internet. Students will also practice fundamental literary research methods through close engagement with Harvard libraries.

Note: English 97 is one of the required Common Courses for English concentrators and is open to sophomores and first-years planning to concentrate in English. Enrollment priority exceptions may be made for people changing concentrations or presenting other notable reasons.