English CVLP. Plundering the Americas: Histories of Extractive Violence and Creative Resistance in the Americas

Instructor: Valeria Luiselli
Wednesday, 12:45-2:45pm | Location: Lamont 401
Enrollment: Limited to 12 students

This course focuses on the histories of extractivism and violence against land and bodies in the Americas, centering on ways in which writing, art and activism have responded to systemic violence across the region.

We will be considering works from across different languages, cultures and disciplines –such as literature, sound art, visual art and performance–  and will be grounding our discussions in the history of global commodities, such as gold, silver, coffee, cotton, sugar, bananas, avocados and bodies. Students will write weekly responses to readings, and work on their own hybrid forms of prose, which will be read in class and workshopped collectively.

Authors include: José Martí, Aimé Césaire, Natalie Díaz, Dolores Dorantes, Gabriela Wiener, Audra Simpson, Rita Segato, and Yasnaya Elena Aguilar. 

This course satisfies the English Concentration "Diversity in Literature" requirement for students on the “Common Ground” curriculum.


Apply via Submittable (deadline: 11:59pm EDT on Sunday, August 21)