English 102m. Introduction to Old English: Charms, Herbals, Folk Medicine, Miracle Cures

Instructor: Daniel Donoghue
Tuesday & Thursday, 1:30-2:45pm | Location: TBD
Course Site

This course combines language study with the investigation of a critical theme. The narratives set for translation provide a thematic coherence as we dig into the language of Old English, which is the vernacular used in England from the sixth century until about 1100. Although some of its features remain recognizable today, Old English needs to be learned as a foreign language with its own spelling, pronunciation, syntax, and so on. The term begins with an emphasis on grammar, which will be covered in graduated steps until midterm, after which the readings and translation will take up more of our class time.

The unifying theme of the readings will be remedies to preserve the health of the human body. Old English literature offers an abundance of medical texts, including herbal remedies and magical incantations. Some come from ancient Greek and Latin sources, while others are local folk recipes. Some are fantastical, some are known to be effective, and others clearly rely on the placebo effect. The readings will move from simple prose to intricate poetry. An end-of-term project will assign each student a short Old English magical charm—think of it as a human utterance charged with power to control nature. With the help of personal coaching, each student will produce a literal and a creative translation.

This course satisfies the “Pre-1700 Guided Elective" requirement for English concentrators and Secondary Field students.

Note: Fulfills the College language requirement if its continuation, English 103, is also completed.