English 90rv. Empire and Revolution, Sex and Gender, Race, Slavery, and Abolition

Instructor: James Engell
Wednesday, 12:45-2:45pm | Location: Barker 269
Enrollment: Limited to 15 students
Course site

The literatures of race and slavery, gender, empire, democracy, and revolution that shaped our modern world.  Excerpts from Dryden, Astell, Behn, Pope, Swift, Montagu, Johnson, Equiano, Gibbon, Paine, Burke, Wollstonecraft, Blake, and Shelley.  Some fiction as well.

This course satisfies the English Concentration "Diversity in Literature" requirement for students on the “Common Ground” curriculum.

This course satisfies the English Concentration "Migrations" requirement for students on the “Common Ground” curriculum.

This course satisfies the “1700-1900 Guided Elective" requirement for English concentrators and Secondary Field students.