Andrew Warren

Andrew Warren

Associate of the Department of English

Education: B.A., Dartmouth College (2001)
Ph.D., University of California at Irvine (2009)

Interests: Romantic Poetry; 18th- & 19th-Century British Literature; Philosophy & Critical Theory; Satire; the Gothic Novel; Postcolonial Theory & Novel.

Selected Works:
The Orient and the Young Romantics (Cambridge University Press, 2015); “Coleridge, Philosophy, Orient,” in Coleridge, Romanticism and the Orient: Cultural Negotiations, David Vallins, Kaz Oishi, and Seamus Perry (eds.) (Bloomsbury, 2013); “Community Organizing and Narrative Modeling in Infinite Jest and The Pale King,” Studies in the Novel, special issue on David Foster Wallace as Novelist, ed. Marshall Boswell. 44:4 (Winter 2012); “Designing and ‘Undrawing’ Veils: Anxiety and Authorship in Radcliffe’s The Italian,” The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation (Winter 2013); “How to Listen to ‘Sirens’: Narrative Distraction at the Ormond Hotel,” James Joyce Quarterly (forthcoming); “Unentangled Intermixture: Love and Materialism in Shelley’s Epipsychidion,” Keats-Shelley Journal 59 (2010), 78-95




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